Black (A) or Red (B)

From a birds eye view, extraction is one of the core uses of vanilla to transform the plant matter into flavor that can proliferate in foods and beverages. Vanilla extraction has many methods and many purveyors feature different “folds..” but every vanilla extract at its heart is just a ratio of good beans with the active expressed molecular structures including vanillin inside. Artificial vanilla has not made the promised progress of mimicking any of these tastes effectively, and all natural ingredients have stormed and stomped over the inferior tastes of chemical substitutes.

While we still have overfunded and incompetent scientists come out to SAVA each year to study (and sit around) the fields and conduct audits and apprenticeships of how to “help” a century-old traditional curing practice, year after year they pack up and go home and we end up just selling natural vanilla beans to the largest extract makers in Germany, France, Netherlands, Japan, and America anyways. Red or grade “B” beans are used for lower moisture, and so if you’d like to make extract what we point to is this rouge red bean triage for your ingredient needs.

You can of course decorate house rum with whole vanilla beans, make your own extract or spirits, or brew and bake and cook with these beans as well if simple great flavor is the name of the game. Rouge vanilla is red, a bit uglier, and not for decorative supermarkets, but it is for decadent super flavors.

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